Having been a huge fan of these bands for a while, I showed up to The Troubadour super early to get the full experience. I got to watch the soundcheck where Aaron Marshall, the mastermind behind the Interval's face-melting music, joked around with the rest of the band. They played I'm Awake and Libra, the first and last songs on the album in front of their masterclass students. Following the performance Angel Vivaldi had a one on one lesson with a student while Aaron And Plini had about a dozen.
Save Us From The Archon opened and unfortunately I can't say much about them because one of the security guards kicked me out for not having the right wristband. After a lot of hassling and scrambling for a silly wristband, I was finally let back in right before Angel Vivaldi went on stage. It's thanks to him that I was able to shoot in the first place so I absolutely HAD to photograph him.